Tuesday 26 May 2015

Mango Rasayan

It’s the mango season and it would not be fair if I don’t post a recipe with mango.  I am sure everyone waits for the mangoes to arrive.  There are so many recipes that one can do with the mangoes.  But today I will be posting a recipe that is simple and yet yummy.  It brings back old memories where my annamma (dad’s mom) used to make it every time mangoes arrived.  I remember as kids, we used to be so impatient to eat it as soon as she made it.  To which she would say finish your meal first and only then u will get rasayan.  Oh!! And if we did try to sneak up to the fridge to get a spoonful she would be there to give us a sweet earful.  Haha those days.  I really miss my grandparents. 

Alright, let me get back to the recipe.  Like I said, it’s an easy recipe and can be made ahead as it tastes best when served chilled.  So here goes.

Mango               -      2 nos (preferably alphonso’s)
Coconut            -       ½ cup (freshly grated)
Jaggery             -      2 tbsp grated
Milk                   -       ½ cup
Cardamom       -       3 powdered

1.         Peel and cut the mangoes into small equal sized cubes.
2.      Grind the coconut (preferably the white part) and jaggery with a little water and squeeze and strain well to get coconut milk.  Here you could strain it the first time and grind again with little more water to get the milk. 
3.        Mix the coconut milk mixture, milk and mango cubes. 
4.        Sprinkle the cardamom powder over the rasayan and mix well.
5.        Serve chilled.

1.      Use only the white part of the coconut (I must mention, when comes to grating of coconut my sister grates them really well).
2.     Check the sweetness of the mangoes and then add more jaggery than mentioned.

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