Sunday 2 October 2016


Basundi, a sweet dish from Maharashtra and Gujarat.  It is a sweet slightly thickened milk with the flavouring of elaichi (cardamom). A sweet dish which is made mostly during festivals or weddings.  I have also come across basundi's with the flavour of custard apple, or even a chickoo flavoured basundi, which are usually made during weddings.  Though, I would any day prefer the cardamom flavoured one, the custard apple is also something which will appeal to your palates if you are a lover of custard apple.  Must say it had a wonderful taste to it.  Ok getting back to the basundi that I am posting up today, it is very easy to make with the ingredients which are mostly available at your home.  A wonderful dish which can be had as is, or can be teamed up with puris, or chappati's too.  So here's my way of making basundi garnished with almonds and cashews.

Full cream milk
500 ml
2 tbsp + 1/4 cup
Corn flour
1 tbsp
Milk powder
1 1/2 tbsp
1/4 cup
Cardamom powder
1/2 tsp
Cream 25% fat
1 tbsp
Almonds & cashews
5 each

1.       In a thick wide bottom pan transfer the milk and put in on low medium heat. Stirring in between so that the milk doesn't stick to the sides and bottom.(You sure don’t want a burnt taste to your basundi).
2.       Add milk powder and corn flour in two separate bowls and add about a tbsp of milk each and mix well to form a paste.
3.       Once the milk starts simmering or you see small bubbles rounding up at the sides add in the sugar. Keep stirring till the sugar dissolves and the milk reduces by 1/4 of its quantity. (this took me 10-12 minutes)
4.       Add in the corn flour and milk powder paste and mix well.  (the milk will thicken very quickly once the corn flour is added).  Keep stirring vigourously with a whisk so that the lumps will blend in well.
5.       Cook for 2-3 minutes once the paste's are added.
6.       Once it completely cools, add a tbsp of cream and blend well with a whisk or a hand blender to make it smooth.  Add in the 1/4 cup of milk if you find the basundi too thick.
7.       Garnish with cardamom powder, flaked almonds and cashews.
8.       Serve hot or chilled.
1.       There are other ways of doing it too, for e.g. it can be done without corn flour and milk powder, by just simmering the milk and sugar to get its thickness.  Though constant stirring is required.
2.       I have put cream, which is absolutely optional.  It just adds a little more creaminess.
3.       When serving with puri's you could serve it warm or chilled as per preference.
4.       Adjust sweetness according to your taste.

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